Developer - RRC التطبيقات

Pomba Gira 1.0
Developer - RRC
As Famosas e Queridas Pomba Giras da Umbanda eoutros Cultos Afro-brasileiros, É um Orixá Feminino cujo nome nãofoi revelado na teogonia yorubana ou nagô, mas que servindo-se donome "Pambu Njila" ou Pomba Gira criou uma linha de trabalhosespirituais só delas e cujas manifestantes impuseram-se rapidamenteno imaginário popular como as senhoras das "ruas, dos caminhos edas encruzilhadas".The Famous and Dear DoveGiras of Umbanda and other Afro-Brazilian Cults, is an Orishafemale whose name was not revealed in yorubana or Nago theogony,but making use of the name "Pambu Njila" or Dove Gira created aline of spiritual work only them and whose protesters were imposedquickly in the popular imagination as the ladies of "streets, pathsand crossroads."
Guia do Vigilante 1.1
Developer - RRC
Guia do Vigilante - As 70 Melhores EmpresaseEscolas de Segurança Privada de São Paulo, CredenciadasPela Policia Federal - BR. Este guia inclui 70 Empresas e 11Escolasde Formação todas com Endereço, Tel, Email e Site.Watcher's Guide - The70Best Companies and Private Security Schools of SãoPaulo,AccreditedFederal Police - BR. This guide includes 70 companies and 11schoolsTraining all with Address, Phone, Email and Website.
TV Digital Xperia 5948
Developer - RRC
Description:Digital TV Xperia, For Sony with DTV system !Feature :- support free to air DTV- support record- support multi channels audio- support subtitle- support HD (4 core cpu must)System Requirements :1.Android device with a dual-core CPU and NEON support(e.g.Tegra3)2.Android 4.0.3 or later3.DTT/Freeview/DVB-T coverageImportant note:TV Digital Xperia Mobile supports MPEG-2 and MPEG-4/H.264 videoinstandard definition !